Sleep Wellness
Sleep hygiene is an important part in your overall health and wellbeing. Studies show significant lack of sleep impairs your ability to manage even small daily stressors. All areas of life can be impacted by poor sleep hygiene: driving a car, functioning at work, problem solving, managing your mental health, managing complex situations. In this introduction to sleep hygiene we will cover the impact poor sleep has on pre-existing anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as new emerging symptoms of depression and anxiety exacerbated by poor sleep. We will briefly explore clear, direct sleep hygiene activities and routines you can do to improve your quality of sleep. Lastly, we will briefly touch on diet and fitness, use of meditation and use of smartphone applications to assist in tracking sleep as well as providing a soothing atmosphere to encourage sleep.
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 17, 2021
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM AKDT
3/17/2021 @ 12:00
via Zoom. Register here:
free; register here:
Contact Information
Jessica Cochran
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