High Gravity New Year's Eve at 49th State Brewing

Ring in the new year watching the fireworks display from the 49th State Brewing rooftops.
Our rooftop patios are the best places in town to enjoy the fireworks.
Fireworks start at 7:30pm. We recommend arriving an hour early to get checked in and have a drink in hand. We'll have heaters out on the patio and plenty of winter warmer cocktails. There are very limited seats and plenty of standing room for cocktailing and admiring the show. All seats, rails, spots, etc are first-come, first-served.
Reservation Fees per person: $5
Reservation Fees are non-refundable.

Date and Time
Sunday Dec 31, 2023 Monday Jan 1, 2024
December 31, 2023 @ 7:00PM
Dinner Reservations: https://www.opentable.com/restref/client/?rid=261802&restref=261802&lang=en-US&color=1&r3uid=cfe&dark=false&partysize=2&datetime=2023-12-20T19%3A00&ot_source=Restaurant%20website&corrid=909e43df-4c6d-4bf6-8efa-067e55509ee0
Firework Reservations: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/high-gravity-new-years-eve-at-49th-state-brewing-tickets-774539888657?aff=efbevent