2023 Super Sweeper Saturday - A Citywide Cleanup Event
Interested in having your school participate?
Complete the contact form with your school cleanup coordinator information here.
The Anchorage Chamber of Commerce's Super Sweeper program helps teach school-aged kids in the Anchorage School District the value of a clean community.
Starting at 10 A.M., parents assist their children in picking up trash around their schools and neighborhoods returning the full bags of trash to the school before 2 P.M.
Please submit your request by Friday, April 21, 2023, to have your school included in bag drop off/pick up.

Event Sponsors
Date and Time
Saturday May 6, 2023
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM AKDT
May 6th, 2023
10 am to 2 pm
Schools in the Anchorage School District that register
Contact Information
Donese Fifield
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