SBA Surety Bond Guarantee Program
Is your small business ready to start bidding on contracts, but having difficulties securing surety bonds?
The SBA’s Surety Bond Guarantee (SBG) program provides surety bond guarantees for small businesses on federal, state, local, private contracts, and subcontracts in direct partnership with surety companies and their agents. Whether the contracted work involves construction, services, or supply, the SBG program helps small and emerging businesses who have the knowledge and skills necessary for success; but lack the combination of experience and financial strength to obtain reasonable bonding through regular commercial channels.
Join Tamara Murray from SBA’s Office of Surety Guarantees to learn how the SBG program can provide you with valuable resource to assist you in the expansion of your small business.
Registration is recommended. Webinar login information will be emailed before the event.
Date and Time
Tuesday Apr 11, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM AKDT