Puffin Inn Hotel

Hotels and Motels
- 4400 Spenard Road Anchorage AK 99517
- (907) 243-4044
- (800) 478-3346
- (907) 248-6853
- Send Email
- http://www.puffininn.net
24 hours per day. Open year round
Driving Directions:
Drive East to Jewel Lake/Spenard Road.Turn left onto Spenard Road. The Puffin Inn is located at 4400 Spenard Road, approximately a ½-mile down on the left hand side just past Wisconsin intersection.
About Us
A great Anchorage hotel doesn’t have to be expensive. The Puffin Inn of Anchorage has been providing friendly, courteous service and clean, comfortable rooms to Alaskans for over 30 years.
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