Nine Star Education & Employment Services
Alaskan Native or American Indian Owned/OperatedLearning ServicesNon-Profit OrganizationSchoolsWoman-Owned/Operated
8 am-5 pm Monday through Friday
Driving Directions:
See our website for directions to the office nearest you.
About Us
Through education and employment, we help Alaskans get a job, keep a job, and advance on the job!
Nine Star’s primary undertaking is to provide job readiness tools, job search support, employee development, work training opportunities, adult basic education, and certifications (including a GED or High School diploma) that will improve the quality of life for the under- and unemployed and move the at-risk Alaskan toward financial self-sufficiency. Specifically:
1. Adult Basic Skills Instruction
2. Education & Employment Services for At-Risk Youth
3. Employment for Able-Bodied Recipients of the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program.
4. Employment Services for the Marginally Employed & Unemployed
5. English as a Second Language Instruction
6. Ged Preparation & Testing
7. High School Completion
8. Professional Development for Alaska’s Workforce
9. Re-Entry Employment Services for the Returning Citizen who has left Incarceration
10. Staff Development for Adult Educators
11. Vocational Education & Training