Alyeska Pipeline Service Co.

Transportation Companies
About Us
MISSION: Provide safe, environmentally responsible, reliable and cost-effective oil pipeline transportation from the North Slope of Alaska.
VISION: Alaska?s pipeline to the future: Safely delivering oil today ? sustaining operations for tomorrow.
Alyeska Pipeline Service Company formed in 1970 to design, build, maintain and operate the Trans Alaska Pipeline System. The pipeline today is recognized as a landmark engineering feat and remains essential to Alaska?s economy and central to the state?s industry.
Focused on safe and flawless operations and sustainability, Alyeska today is working to respond to the challenges posed by declining throughput. Throughput peaked at 2.1 million barrels a day in 1988. It has only steadily decreased since. In 2011, Alyeska on average moved about 600,000 barrels per day. With the lower flow levels, the crude oil takes longer to reach the Valdez Terminal ? about 2 weeks, on average ? and the oil is colder on arrival. The slower, colder oil has more potential for water and wax to settle and drop out, and as throughput declines further, the potential for ice to form during shutdown or flowing conditions increases. Alyeska released results of its low flow study in 2011 and is currently making and researching modifications to respond to lower throughputs.