Join Alaska Business Leaders at this family-friendly, exciting event that raises funds for a great cause. Team Registration fee of $800 includes three games of bowling, commemorative gift, pizza, and opportunity to win fabulous prizes including a pair of round trip tickets for 2 from Alaska Airlines! There will be prizes for costumes, trivia, and much more. Registration fees may be raised as a team of 5 bowlers, or $160 per bowler. 2022 Registration Information: When: Saturday, November 4, 2023 Time: 4:30 - 7:30 PM Where: Jewel Lake Bowl Address: 8801 Jewel Lake Road Anchorage, AK 99502 Register: For registration assistance contact Tiana Taylor at or 907-344-0101 Ext.3 Junior Achievement of Alaska is incorporated as a 501 (c )(3), and is funded by businesses and individuals. All proceeds will help our growing statewide program serving more than 15,120 students statewide on an annual basis that teach financial literacy, workforce readiness, and entrepreneurship to K-12 students in 55 Alaskan communities. Donations are tax deductible where allowable by law. Tax ID # 92-0045091.
Saturday Nov 4, 2023
4:30 PM - 7:30 PM AKDT
Jewel Lake Bowl
Individual Bowler - $170.00 Team of 5 Bowlers - $850.00
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